Constitutional stipulation of freedom of a person - реферат по основам права



  • Workstipulation of freedom of a person.
  • If the rights and freedoms are natural they do not require ostensibly the constitutional record.
  • Constitution person right freedom.
  • The personal freedom.
  • Howard D. A. The Road from Runnymede: Magna Carta and Constitutionalism in America.
  • There for the first time was legislatively stipulated the principle of civil freedom.
  • Thus the Constitution of 1791 has a little expanded the former circle of the rights and freedoms.
  • The spiritual and moral value of the freedom for the society is becoming more and more clear.
  • Freedom and inviolability of the property.
  • The freedom of crafts and occupations.



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Актуальные рефераты по основам права