Features of evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age - диплом по психологии



  • Identify the factors shaping evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age.
  • Factors of formation evaluation and self-esteem of children of primary school age.
  • Analysis of the results of studies self-esteem of children of primary school age.
  • Is self and what role it plays in mental life of children of primary school age?
  • Of research: assessment of the specifics and self-education of schoolchildren.
  • Learns the meaning of the evaluation of various characteristics that are present in his self-esteem.
  • The problem of evaluation and self-esteem in modern psychology.
  • Self-esteem affects the formation of a style of behavior and human activity.
  • Explore self-esteem as a psychological category.
  • In this case, to the development of positive self-esteem may cause serious difficulties.



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