Studies lexical material of English - Диплом по английскому языку



  • Teaching English vocabulary is an important area worthy of effort and investigation.
  • 1 What are these clothes in English?
  • For example (if the class is monolingual) : How do you say "tamburo" in English?
  • We looked at some of the principles of word formation in English.
  • A semantic syllabus - i.e. one based around meanings - is likely to have a strong lexical focus.
  • A lexical approach argues that meaning is encoded primarily in words.
  • Accordingly, they based their beginners' course around the 700 most frequent words in English.
  • For example, an extremely common word in English is way.
  • Classroom language provides plentiful opportunities for exposure to lexical chunks.
  • For this reason, they are called delexical verbs.



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