Эдит Хэйбер. "Ведьма" Тэффи: мифология русской души - доклад по прочим предметам



  • Teffi herself considered the collection Ведьма (Berlin, 1936) among her best things.
  • A good example of this is the title story, "Ведьма".
  • The sober tone of the passage quoted above is very characteristic of this book of uncanny tales.
  • She is quiet, doesn't smoke or get drink, and has as unusual ability to find lost objects.
  • It is at this point that the main "horror" occurs.
  • A police officer questions the servants, including Ustusha, but finds out nothing.
  • As a supernatural events, the turning of the chairs is extremely trivial.
  • Kornelia's nature is quiet, slow, secretly proud.
  • One occurrence, however, causes a sharp change in Kornelia's behavior.
  • The narrator comments that there are instants when the line of fate is broken.



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