The formation of absolutism in Russian state - Контрольная работа по основам права



  • During the period of absolutism, a lot of attention was paid to strengthening the state apparatus.
  • Paul Dukes < The making of Russian absolutism, 1613-1801, - Longman, 1990, - 240 p.
  • Prerequisites of formation and legalization of absolutism.
  • Absolutism social reform state law.
  • In this period took place an intense process of subordination of the church to the state.
  • At the beginning of the XVIII century absolutism received the legislative confirmation.
  • As a result, more than 800 thousand peasant moved into the category of state.
  • The Senate had had functions of the supreme state power in the case of absence of the monarch.
  • The Russian empire was thirty times larger than that of France.
  • A new class of educated Russians emerged.



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