Токсокароз и токсокаридоз плотоядных - Курсовая работа (Теория) по сельскому хозяйству



  • Today, a century later, we are witnessing a radical change regarding womens position in society.
  • In 2010 only 18.8% of parliamentarians in most countries of the world were women.
  • For the European Union we have other data, thus in the European Parliament 31% of MPs are women.
  • II (the Great) exemplifies the enlightened despot of her time.
  • December 1, 1955, she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat for a white passenger.
  • During her tenure, India experienced the highest improvement.
  • She was murdered on October 31, 1984, by some extremists infiltrated in his entourage.
  • XXI century has become a symbol of modernization in terms of promoting women on diplomatic posts.
  • Since 1985, she becomes Canada's ambassador in Argentina and Uruguay.
  • She held this position until 1982.



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