Разработка двух уроков по истории Великобритании - Лекция по педагогике



  • But not so much impression was made on parliament.
  • Only a few small import duties were afterwards collected for purposes of revenue.
  • After that time England was for more than a half century a free-trade country.
  • The effects of the Corn Law cancellation upon agriculture were really tremendous.
  • The mere threat of foreign competition led to a number of significant improvements in technique.
  • Such substances as nitrates, guano and bone manure all came into common use at this time.
  • Still, it introduced some important innovations which should be mentioned.
  • There was also a significant improvement in the educational field during Victorian years.
  • The name "Whig" went out of existence.
  • The Tories came to be known as "Conservatives".



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