Round London Sightseeng Tour - Лекция по медицине, физкультуре и здравоохранению



  • Welcome to our London sightseeing tour.
  • London sightseeing tour.
  • At that time the quickest transport is Underground railway.
  • The Gallery overlooks the gardens that surround the Palace.
  • Our tour is not over yet.
  • Tourists are not allowed to use them when at the Cathedral.
  • When a man Is tired of London he is tired of life, for there is in London all that Life can afford.
  • Today, more than 250 years later, Johnson’s words still ring true.
  • So, ladies and gentleman!
  • This city has got a population of about 8 million people.



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Актуальные Лекции по медицине, физкультуре и здравоохранению