Отношения между правительствами и международными корпорациями (Relations between national government... - Разное по финансам



  • Relations between national governments and multinational enterprises.
  • From my point of view we should begin the discussion from the description of international trade.
  • And governments can not stay a side . The have got 2 ways.
  • Government and business are inseparable and for the time they exist they will have to compound.
  • Authors are saying that international trade is.
  • International business management John S.Ewing Frank Meiisner 1964 ( page 5).
  • International Business Michael R . Chinkota a 7 th edition (page 698) , 3-1 (page 699).
  • I like the description given in one of the books.
  • From my point of view we must change the word products into the word something.
  • Because all in all their main target is their own prosperity.



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