Александр Македонский и греческие полисы - Разное по английскому языку



  • Маринович Л.П. "Греки и Александр Македонский" Москва 1993, "Наука".
  • Alexander the Great and Greek polices.
  • Before 400-300 BC Greece was a great empire with a long history and culture.
  • The first invention of a Greeks was the deductive proof, which was extraordinary step.
  • The reason is a greek society of the classical period.
  • The mathematics consisted of a arithmetic - theoretical aspect and logistic - computing aspect.
  • The lowest layers were engaged in logistic.
  • They were a ancestors of a algebra and geometry.
  • They’ve made a good work, they’ve deducted the rules and axioms that we still use in our life.
  • For example, Pythagoreans deducted a theorem, which is now called "a Pythagoras’ theorem".



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