Реформа энергетического комплекса на Украинеenglish - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • [i] Most of energy imports originate in Russia.
  • It is argued that with a reform of the energy economy, energy dependence would be very limited.
  • Energy consumption is very high due to lack of incentives to economize on energy consumption.
  • First problems of energy consumption, trade in energy and the energy payments crisis are analysed.
  • Finally, energy imports and energy dependence upon Russia are analysed.
  • All houses had central heating and costs of heating were included in the very low fixed rent.
  • It made the Soviet Union one of the most energy intensive economies in the world.
  • After the independence of Ukraine the situation changed.
  • Households still generally do not have thermo-regulators and do not have individual gas meters.
  • In 2000, 13 000 debtor companies continued to receive energy.



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