Башня Лондона (Tower of London) - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • The Tower of London is a visual symbol of the Norman Conquest of England.
  • Tower of London is a complex made up of many different sections.
  • The Crown Jewels are what most visitors to the Tower of London come to see.
  • The traditional locking up of the Tower of London each night.
  • These are some of the ceremonies that take place at the Tower of London.
  • William I, though, brought over a Norman expert as his artificer, Gundulf, who designed the Tower.
  • These royal lodgings were eventually swept away, leaving the Tower all alone.
  • After William the Conqueror the king that left a lasting impression on the Tower was Henry III.
  • By 1236 he had rebuilt the Great Hall and built the Wakefield Tower next to the royal lodgings.
  • He also built the archway to the Bloody Tower and the main angle towers along the wall.



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