Historical measurement of the science of governing - Реферат по английскому языку



  • On a theme: Historical measurement of the science of governing.
  • But already Aristotle (384-322 BC) gave to the doctrine about the government dominating value.
  • The new understanding of the government notes an epoch of late Revival.
  • It recognizes that the government can change the owners, pass from hands in hands.
  • For this reason Machiavelli name became in the government an insidiousness and immoralist synonym.
  • When today speak about макиавеллизме, mean low moral qualities of people.
  • Machiavelli divided sovereigns into lions and foxes.
  • Lions are brave and fearless, but they cannot notice danger in time.
  • Therefore foxes more succeed in the government: fair deceivers and hypocrites.
  • When the legislative and executive authorities unite in the same body...



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