Magna carta (Великая хартия вольностей) - Реферат по английскому языку



  • Hundreds of years later Magna Carta was used by parliament to protect itself from a powerful King.
  • Magna Carta did not end the struggle between John and the barons.
  • Magna Carta marks a clear stage in the collapse of English feudalism.
  • In conclusion I’d like to summon up all there results of the signing of Magna Carta.
  • In Magna Carta many rights were granted to the English aristocracy.
  • Magna Carta placed the King under the law and decisively checked royal power.
  • Magna Carta did the first step in the decline of feudalism.
  • John and the King of France.
  • John and the Pope.
  • John and the barons, reasons for the Charter.



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