Nonlinear multi-wave coupling and resonance in elastic structures - Реферат по физике



  • The occurrence of resonance at the expense of nonlinear multi-wave coupling is discussed.
  • Kaup P. J., Reiman A. and Bers A. Space-time evolution of nonlinear three-wave interactions.
  • Resonance in multi-frequency systems.
  • In the case of resonance the solution to eqs.
  • (12) cannot be simply reduced to eqs. (13) , since the system (12) experiences a resonance.
  • The resonance plays a principal role in the dynamical behavior of most physical systems.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics, 4 (2) , 72-102 (in Russian) .
  • When the combinations ; otherwise, the problem of small divisors (resonances) appears.
  • Self-action of a single wave as and .
  • Where the nonlinear terms . Here are the uniform -th order polynomials.



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