Philosophy is right - Реферат по теории государства и права (ТГП)



  • The basis of theories is made, first of all, with the attitude to the right and the law.
  • Absolute in another way supporters of the theory of the natural right concern to the given question.
  • This type of authority is based on belief by virtue of the right, the law.
  • Besides refusal of the rights there can be still a carry of these rights.
  • The theory of the State of Gobbs logically follows from his theory of the right and morals.
  • Such contract or such transferring of the rights also is formation of the state.
  • In it it is proclaimed, that all people are born free and equal on the advantage and the rights.
  • What, if anything, justifies government in claiming authority over its subjects?
  • Why do you think citizens are obligated to obey their government?
  • In your view, is any of these approaches satisfactory in legitimizing governmental authority?



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