Security law enforcement and personal security staff in the development of independent Ukraine - Реферат по безопасности жизнедеятельности



  • Clearly, visual propaganda is not possible to replace a comprehensive security program.
  • Thus, according to British experts, security police depends on a number of skills and abilities.
  • Critically relate directly to citizens and law enforcement officers.
  • This dependence requires an effective system of social and psychological support staff.
  • Both are important for law enforcement.
  • The main objective here is to ensure that police personal safety.
  • 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Police".
  • Therefore, to complete the criminal-great ¬ vovoho protect law enforcement in art.
  • Law of Ukraine "On Combating Corruption" / / Regulations regarding health- K. atall, 1998.
  • Law of Ukraine "On State Secrets" / / Regulations regarding health- K. atall, 1998.



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