Social democracy - Реферат по английскому языку



  • The choice of Dimitrov as Secretary was significant.
  • Dimitrov had recently been accused by Hitler's government of trying to burn the Reichstag.
  • Historians' knowledge of this significant aspect of the Seventh Congress policies is scanty.
  • When a communist presence in the Labor Party is acknowledged it is invariably minimised.
  • No historian of Australian Labor has understood either the depth of CPA penetration nor its origins.
  • Within the labour movement, both the CPA and the ALP members shared a common culture.
  • Yet on the surface, 1936 was a year in which Labor splits healed.
  • Since 1931 two Labor Parties had existed in New South Wales.
  • One supported the NSW-based Jack Lang and the other allied to the federal Labor Party.
  • By 1936 a tenuous re-marriage was concluded between the two parties.



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