Speeches workers Grodno province in 1905-1907 and the emergence of trade unionism - Реферат по истории



  • Grodno province experiencing the same negative processes, but with greater depth.
  • The working class of Grodno province was the most numerous among all 5 of Belarusian provinces.
  • In the span of the strike movement Grodno region was in the vanguard of Belarusian provinces.
  • The prologue of the revolution were the events of 9 January 1905.
  • It began in Moscow on December 9, 1905.
  • But in spite of the heroism and tenacity of the workers by 18 December was brutally suppressed.
  • The strike lasted until December 14, 1905.
  • It was the highest among Belarusian provinces.
  • Grodno April 8 marked strikes workshops Kaufaksa J., E. Stein, G. Velina, bakeries Karlen.
  • November 24 took strike of workers provincial printing.



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