The cybernetics movements - Реферат по социологии



  • The cybernetics of Allen Turing and John von Neumann became computer science, AI, and robotics.
  • Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics became part of electrical engineering.
  • This branch of cybernetics includes control mechanisms from thermostats to automated assembly lines.
  • The American Society for Cybernetics has continued this tradition.
  • The focus will be on the third group, McCulloch’s cybernetics.
  • Consequently the Soviet government generously funded cybernetics research.
  • In Washington, DC, a cybernetics luncheon club was meeting.
  • A conference on the social impact of cybernetics was held at Georgetown University in 1964.
  • There was an argument between the officers of ASC and the publisher of the Journal of Cybernetics.
  • However, the field of cybernetics was increasingly emphasizing biology and the social sciences.



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