This is a list of problems facing society today - реферат по социологии



  • Аs an over populating species.problems affect every society, great and small.
  • No country has perfected a society where all are happy and where no problems exist.
  • Religion - People believe many conflicting ideasthese all problems?
  • Even in relatively isolated, sparsely populated areas, a group will encounter social problems.
  • This is done through media and politics.
  • Global problem society.
  • Глобальное потепление - хлорфторуглероды, и т.д.
  • Overpopulation - too many people; no food, water, housing, etc.
  • Global Warming - chlorofluorocarbons, etc.
  • Some conflict (overpopulation, disease killing people) . What are your thoughts?



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