Исследование системы относительно глобальной геополитики и решения конфликта english - Реферат по прочим предметам



  • System Research On Global Geopolitics And Conflict Resolution.
  • Now the World becomes more and more complex in globalization processes.
  • Our approach allows posing definition of civilization and society culture.
  • Proposed approach allows making background for considering clash of civilizations by Hantington.
  • Results of computer geopolitical prognoses are described.
  • Some prognoses for post- USSR Europe are discussed.
  • The recent World became more and more complex object because of globalization process.
  • One of the questions of primary interest is future World order.
  • Recently there are also a lot of questions posed by NATO enlargement.
  • Recent system analysis gives global point of view on considered object as the whole.



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