Rain Man - Сочинение по прочим предметам



  • This novel was written by Elenor Fleisher.
  • She is an American author who has novalized about 50 screenplays.
  • She also writes „own books,especially for youngadults.
  • PlotThe story is set in America in the 1990ies.
  • Its about Charles Babbit and his autistic brother Raymond.
  • Charles Babbit is a good-looking young buisnessman who makes very risky,not quite legal deals.
  • When Charly has troubles with his buisness, he gets the message that hisrich father has died.
  • The rest of his fathers fortune (3000 000$) goes to an „Unnamed Beneficiary.
  • They experience a lot of things on their 6-day journey, positive, as wellnegative.
  • He sees, that Raymond is unable to live in a„normal world.



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