Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: on the brink of suicide. Ф.М. Достоевский, Преступление и наказание - Сочинение по литературе



  • At the time of Svidrigailov’s suicide, Raskolnikov’s story was also nearing its cathartic finale.
  • Raskolnikov contemplates suicide on many occasions throughout the novel.
  • Svidrigailov, however, fits the qualifications of an Ubermensch perfectly.
  • Svidrigailov is fully aware of his own vicious nature.
  • The last straw for Svidrigailov is the rejection he receives from Dunya, whom he desperately craved.
  • Perhaps, Raskolnikov even hoped that the murder, if committed without remorse or doubt, would.
  • Indeed, when a person as ascetic and nihilistic as Raskolnikov experiences love, it.
  • There is nothing sacred in the world for Arkady Ivanovich.
  • There is an alternative.
  • There is a hope of regeneration and a normal life.



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