Slaughterhouse Five - сочинение по прочим предметам
- In English, it is called Slaughterhouse Five.
- Suddenly, Weary realizes that they are being watched by five German soldiers and a police dog.
- The narrator assures us that the book we are about to read is true, more or less.
- The parts dealing with World War II are most faithful to actual events.
- He was never able to bring make the project work.
- Late some nights, the narrator gets drunk and begins to track down old friends with the telephone.
- Bernard seemed unenthusiastic.
- The outline ended with the exchange of prisoners who had been liberated by Americans and Russians.
- After the war, the narrator went home, married, and had kids, all of whom are grown now.
- He actually did go to see Bernard O'Hare just a few weeks after finding him over the telephone.
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