Fortuneteller - статья по прочим предметам
- The fortuneteller even told the day of the week when Tatiana left him.
- My mother had a friend from republic of Georgia named Eugenia; people said she was a witch.
- My mom and some of her acquaintances, mostly females, used Eugenia’s service time after time.
- One day, however, my opinion was changed completely.
- My mother had already been living in the States then.
- Once, she asked me to hand something to Eugenia.
- I think it was a birthday present, but it is not important now.
- My old friend and neighbor, Sergey, gave me a ride, and we came to Eugenia’s place together.
- "Are you staying in the car? I’ll be back in a couple of minutes," I said checking the address.
- Surprisingly, Sergey decided to go with me.
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