Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследование проблемы алкоголизма среди студентов) - статья по прочим предметам



  • The concept of alcohol dependence (alcoholism) .
  • Alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, is psychological and/or physical reliance on alcohol.
  • How can you classify your alcoholic consumption?
  • (aggressiveness/depression) connected with the consumption of alcohol?
  • Among these people there are only 1 men and 1 women who do not drink alcohol at all.
  • (aggressiveness/depression) connected with the consumption of alcohol? are.
  • The concept of alcohol.
  • V What is alcohol?
  • V Factors that influence alcohol’s effect.
  • V Immediate effects of alcohol.



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