The English Judicial System - статья по прочим предметам



  • A feature common to all the systems of law in the UK is that there is no complete code.
  • The Judicial Personnel.
  • Thirdly, they hear cases involving children (Juvenile Courts) .
  • There are about 27,250 lay magistrates, sitting in nearly 700 different courts.
  • All contested trials take place before a jury.
  • NB: The Old Bailey - the central criminal court for Greater London.
  • Maritime law is the responsibility of a specially constituted court of the queen's Bench Division.
  • The Bar as a whole is responsible for the education of would-be barristers.
  • The successful candidate is rewarded by being called to the Bar.
  • The duty of barristers is to further their clients' cases in courts and speak in law courts.



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