Organization of work in a Bank - Диплом по банковскому делу



  • Bank Asya branches joined MoneyGram service network to enable international money transfers.
  • To adapt the products used effectively in banking to interest-free banking system.
  • In 1996 - Bank Asya is established on October 10th, 1996 in Istanbul.
  • In 1998 - Bank Asya begins its credit card operations.
  • Kredi Bank's branches.
  • In 1999 - Bank Asya was subject to the Turkish Banking.
  • In 2000 - Internet Banking services become available.
  • This results in 24 departments working to give our clients the best customer service possible.
  • The first contactless prepaid bank card of Turkey, DIT Pratik, ranked first in 2009 category.
  • Bank Asyas Objectivesbe one of the leading interest-free banks.



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