State sovereignty. Management organization culture - Реферат по основам права



  • State sovereignty commonwealth cultural.
  • In its turn, Republic of Crimea declares itself the sovereign state in the structure of Ukraine.
  • (spiritual) activity of the Ukrainian state is the complex and many-sided sphere of the public life.
  • But modern conditions of state development require updating of the given act.
  • Legislative maintenance in Ukraine of the state development in welfare (spiritual) sphere.
  • January 17, 2001 the Supreme Rada passed the Law of Ukraine "About higher education".
  • Административное право Украины: Учебник / Под общ.
  • Харьков: "Одиссей", 2014.
  • Державне управління: теорія і практика / За заг.
  • К.: Юрінком Інтер, 2008.



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