Decline of ukrainian statehood and culture (1712-1783) - Статья по прочим предметам



  • Russian occupiers continued to persecute and impoverish Ukrainian population.
  • They disallowed Ukrainian language in books, schools and theaters.
  • Polish authorities were preventing not only national, but also economic development of Ukrainians.
  • Educational reforms in 1775 allowed for instructions in Ukrainian language.
  • Ukrainian church autonomy was abolished and church property was transferred to Russian treasury.
  • After defeat of Mazepa, tsar Peter intensified his efforts to subjugate Ukraine.
  • Hetman Skoropadskyi had his powers restricted by Russian supervisors.
  • Many Cossack colonels were replaced by Russian nationals.
  • Hetman Skoropadskyi was very upset by such situation; he became ill and died in 1722.
  • Polubotok was an honest and energetic man.



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