Interrelation of culture and language (on the basis of English proverbs and sayings) - Реферат по английскому языку



  • Why can we call proverbs and sayings as one of the brightest representatives of the culture?
  • Why should we be aware of the culture during learning its language?
  • How was English language changing by the time?
  • What are one of the most popular proverbs and sayings; their meanings and origins?
  • Do you think that to be successful at learning foreign languages you should be aware of its culture?
  • Study the history of English language.
  • Set up the importance of proverbs and sayings in civilization.
  • Culture language civilization.
  • Nevertheless, the language was being developed by changing of the worldview of its speakers.
  • We must look upon language, not as a dead product, but far more as a producing.



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