Смерть Мадам Тюссо english - Доклад по прочим предметам



  • Death of Madame Tussaud.
  • The gruesomeness began even before Madame Tussaud was born in Strasburg late in 1761.
  • This nightmare figure died two months before Marie was born.
  • Marie had known the princess and liked her.
  • She made a mould of the head of Louis XVI himself after his execution.
  • Curtius died in 1794 and left Marie his collection of waxworks.
  • A year later she married a man named Francois Tussaud.
  • The following year Marie's memoirs were published, but contained little about her private life.
  • She was a talkative person, but was always reticent about her experiences during the Terror.
  • Her sons were at her bedside when she died and her last words were to beg them never to quarrel.



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