Foreign exchange market in Russia - Доклад по банковскому делу



  • In my report I would like to describe foreign exchange market in Russia.
  • Russia has foreign exchange market with institutional structure and modern technology trade.
  • Market consists of 5 segments: investment, loan, stock, insurance, foreign exchange markets.
  • FOREX market is the most liquid financial market in the world.
  • Russian ruble has a very small share in global currency turnover.
  • Some experts said that after entering to the World Trade Organization Russian ruble would be week.
  • It`s market share more than 15%.10 currency traders % of overall volume, May 2013.
  • By 2020, the daily turnover is projected to increase to $ 10 trillion dollars.
  • The biggest geographic trading center is the United Kingdom, primarily London.
  • However the biggest trader by overall volume is Deutsche Bank.



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