Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599) - Доклад по прочим предметам



  • People did not resist them and appreciated their protection from Poland, Moscow and Tatars.
  • This arrangement was opposed by Yahaylo's younger brother, Svytryhaylo.
  • Also several popular uprising took place.
  • However Poland and Lithuania, at that time, were very strong, therefore all uprisings were squashed.
  • It was very rich part of Ukraine with productive soil, wild animals and rivers full of fish.
  • They began to organize under hetmans, thus originating Cossack society.
  • From there, Cossacks conducted raids on Crimean towns sometimes with help from Moscow.
  • In spite of that there was a modest revival of Ukrainian culture later in 16th century.
  • Printing industry began, culminating in publication of Bible in print shop ran by Ivan Fedorovych.
  • Tatars were pushed out into Crimea; Cossacks became more daring in their raids on Turkish cities.



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