Period of statehood (879-1360) - Доклад по прочим предметам



  • The Kyivan State proper was established by prince Olekh in 879.
  • He conducted military expeditions to the shores of Caspian Sea and raided Byzantine cities.
  • He died during a battle with Derevlans in 945.
  • His wife Olha revenged his death by brutal suppression of Derevlans.
  • In 964 she became a Christian and established her son Svyatoslav on throne.
  • He divided his state between his sons, then continued with his expeditions and battles.
  • Force was often used against those who resisted.
  • In 1097 all princes agreed to stop fighting between themselves.
  • The Ukrainian princes continued to struggle on against Polovtsi.
  • Prince Roman ruled there in 1199.



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