A little information about Turkmenistan - Эссе по прочим предметам



  • I've witnessed quite often that about people I talk to have misconceptions about Turkmenistan.
  • What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the word Turkmenistan?
  • Then in 1925 Turkmens formed the Republic of Turkmenistan.
  • During my stay in Colorado, I've noticed that very few people know about my country.
  • Probably about 80% of the people I've talked to have some kind of misconception.
  • The most common misconception they have is viewing Turkmenistan as a Muslim state.
  • But Turkmenistan is completely different from what most people think.
  • Economically Turkmenistan still relies heavily on Russia because of the industry of gas exportation.
  • This pipeline would be the most beneficial for Turkmenistan.
  • Turkmenistan is still not fully awakened from the Soviet Laws and regulations.



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