Russians and Mixed Martial Arts - Эссе по английскому языку



  • On the other hand martial arts always existed in Russia, even in Soviet socialism period.
  • We had a huge experience in other Martial Arts and almost none in MMA.
  • We all know that MMA is realatively new sport.
  • It had gained a huge popularity in Japan, USA and finally in Europe.
  • As we may easily notice it was successfull mostly in well-developed countries.
  • But what about non-developed or poorly-developed ones?
  • Have you ever seen an MMA fighter from Bulgaria?
  • Well, maybe, but they are so few that we can not even remember their names.
  • When it is hard to feed yourself you wont even think about participating in any fighting event.
  • Unfortuanately this issue also refers to almost all of the ex-Soviet group.



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