Attaction of foreign inflows in East Asia - курсовая работа (Практика) по экономической теории



  • East Asian countries generally adopt more conservative fiscal stances than Latin American countries.
  • Most FDI in East Asia has been of this productive type, and its impact has been manageable.
  • Managing Capital Flows in East Asia.
  • The overall impact of foreign investment on growth and exports has been very positive.
  • As capital, domestic and foreign, to seek the highest rate of return in only market.
  • Higher interest rates attract more foreign capital, increasing reserves.
  • The increase in capital inflows offsets the higher current account deficit.
  • If circumstances lead to price volatility in foreign markets, new placements will be inhibited.
  • The bailout contrasted strikingly with IMF treatment of indebted firms in Asia.
  • Until 1997, Western creditors were bullish on Asia and "emerging markets" generally.



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