Singapoure - Курсовая работа (Практика) по прочим предметам



  • Выполнили: студенты группы М2-1 Сазонов В.Н. Федотов А.Н.
  • Asia’s second financial hub: Opportunities in Hongkong exodus?
  • Entrepreneurial flair has never been a selli ng point.
  • Even so, what Singapore does, it does exceptionally well.
  • As a result, the Lion City has been a magnet for investment banks and commercial banks alike.
  • Singapore's cauti ous approach.
  • Regulation is a source of concern , as well.
  • Requests for clarification often go unanswered for months.
  • Competition may induce the government to relax.
  • And even if the authorities refuse to loosen their grip, ci rcumstances may yet lift Singapore.




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Актуальные Курсовые работы (Практика) по прочим предметам