Allusion as discourse symbol - Курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • This research paper has focused on allusion as a discourse symbol.
  • The usual categories of vertical context are allusions, symbols, idioms etc.
  • 3 Stylistic functions of allusion2.
  • There is no universal definition of allusion in modern scientific literature.
  • In his work researcher Evseev points out that allusion always contains the intention of the author.
  • The feedback also helps to differentiate allusion from plagiarism and artistic borrowing [7, p.10] .
  • Vast spear is the classification of allusions into simple and extended.
  • In his work he points out that we should differentiate the notions allusion and reminiscence.
  • [5, p.33] In Mamaevas work we can also find the examination of this function of allusion.
  • It is can be often examined while allusion is used in dialogues.



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