Theory and Grammar - The Article - Курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • That is why the definite article is an individualizing or limiting article.
  • Even quite advanced students make frequent slips with articles.
  • The article is a form-word of the noun, and serves to specify it.
  • There are two articles in Modern English: the indefinite article and the definite article.
  • The noun which is used with the indefinite article may have a descriptive attribute.
  • The definite article has two pronunciations: before a vowel and before a consonant.
  • A class-noun used with the definite article has often a limiting attribute.
  • (Galsworty) nouns man and woman used in the singular in a generic sense have no article.
  • Sometimes the indefinite article also serves to mark the generic use of a noun in the singular.
  • But we may also find these unique nouns associated with the indefinite article.



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