Marketing in tourism - Курсовая работа (Теория) по английскому языку



  • England is one of the world’s fastest growing tourism markets.
  • The marketing plan accurately describes the market, customers, service and the competition.
  • Marketing plan plays an important role in the hospitality industry.
  • The marketing strategy is subject to change upon guest feedback and surveys.
  • Task 3 - Information for Marketing Decisions.
  • This ensures that guests can have a good feel of what to expect.
  • An increase in business travel too has come about as businesses have gone global.
  • This was a rise of 6.4% over the revenue of the earlier year.
  • By the year 2011, the hotel and motel revenue is expected to rise by 31.2% to reach $640.9 billion.
  • The biggest contributor is Europe, contributing 41.8 % by value.



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