Imitating modelling of a cattle-breeding complex on basis Cedar Bog - практическое задание по английскому языку



  • Setting a task of modelling.
  • There is a cattle herd structured on the basic of age.
  • The daily increase depends in weight of an animal which defines the weight of it depends on the age.
  • Only the quantity which is enough for reproduction of the herd.
  • The similar situation is with heifers.
  • It is required to model the change of an annual turnover of the herd and its reproduction.
  • Farm (Farm) which describes the structure of the model.
  • Norms and diets of feeding are defined in it.
  • Herd, describing variable statuses and dynamics of behaviour of the herd as a whole.
  • The important component which defines the structure of the herd, its internal interaction.



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