"Cultural imperialism" and "cultural diplomacy" /на англ. языке/ - Практическое задание по английскому языку



  • Instruments of cultural diplomacy as well as cultural imperialism must be unique.
  • Perhaps Chechen War became one of the failures of cultural imperialism.
  • On the contrary cultural diplomacy is the war without victims.
  • It’s all the same for the cultural imperialism but only within the limits of one state.
  • In myth there is not limits, but cultural diplomacy is aimed at determined real subject.
  • Why the rude methods of cultural imperialism have not been refused at all?
  • The word " diplomacy" supposes not impulses but a process of thinking.
  • Perhaps, the commerce protects people from any kinds of imperialism.
  • Most probably it is a complex of aims.
  • But what politics is more successful?



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