A Country Report and Profile - Republic of Uzbekistan - Разное по финансам



  • BISNIS - Uzbekistan report.
  • An autonomous republic within the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • To understand the politics of Uzbekistan it is important to delve into it=s most recent history.
  • Karimov is one of the strongest supporters of continued cooperation among the Soviet Republics.
  • Once the coup collapsed Uzbekistan declared independence.
  • Uzbekistan lost a considerable amount of revenue due to this conflict with Russia.
  • Grain production only covers a quarter of Uzbekistan=s total consumption.
  • This has remained a very difficult obstacle for Uzbekistan and grain continues to be a major import.
  • Uzbekistan=s other primary product exports include gas and minerals.
  • Uzbekistan has few energy sources besides gas and untapped hydro power.



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