"Great expectation" by Charles Dickens - Реферат по английскому языку



  • Reading Great expectation of Charles Dickens we meet such problems, social class.
  • I choused Great Expectation of Charles Dickens because of the reasons which I gave below.
  • Theme of my course work sounds as following: Great expectation by Charles Dickens.
  • In the third point we study Symbolism in Great Expectation.
  • Dickens (1812-1870) was a great English novelist and one of the most popular writers of all time.
  • Pips pride is shattered when he learns the source of his great expectations.
  • Whatever his other claims to greatness may be, Dickens ranks as a superbly inventive comic artist.
  • Throughout most of Great Expectations she tries to pursue Pip, but he never falls for her.
  • Many characters were treated differently because of their social class in Great Expectations.
  • The vitality of Dickens works is singularly great.



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