Constellations of the star sky - Реферат по английскому языку



  • In dark, moonless and cloudless night in the sky the set of stars is visible.
  • To stars of number is not present, a chasm - a bottom .
  • So, known group of seven bright stars, reminding a ladle outline, ancient Greeks named.
  • Fig.1. Constellations of the Big and Small She-bear.
  • Fig.2. Constellations of the Big Dipper, Volopasa and Hounds of Dogs.
  • Fig.4. The constellations of the Big and Small She-bear united in constellation of the Horse.
  • Fig.7. Constellations of Orion and a Taurus in representation of ancient Greeks.
  • Constellations of the Big Dipper, Pegasa, Kassiopei, Voznichego, the Lion concern them and others.
  • In each constellation the basic stars have those or other designations.
  • Other set of stars because of their weak shine is inaccessible to a naked eye.



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