Diesel Fuels - Реферат по транспорту, грузоперевозкам



  • Diesel Fuels Technical Review.
  • Diesel fuel in general is any fuel used in diesel engines.
  • To distinguish these types, petroleum-derived diesel is increasingly called petrodiesel.
  • As of 2007, almost every diesel fuel available in America and Europe is the ULSD type.
  • In the UK, diesel is commonly abbreviated DERV, standing for Diesel Engined Road Vehicle (fuel) .
  • In the past, diesel fuel contained higher quantities of sulfur.
  • Diesel engines have long been the workhorse of industry.
  • The diesel engine draws air into a cylinder and injects fuel after the air has been compressed.
  • The diesel engine relies on high temperature alone for ignition.
  • A diesel engine does not throttle the intake air.



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