Government and Politics - Реферат по теории государства и права (ТГП)



  • In political scientist Harold Lasswell’s (1936) terms, politics is who gets what, when, and how.
  • Of course, the meaning of the term can be extended beyond the sphere of government.
  • An oligarchy is a form of government in which a few individuals rule.
  • Such governments have pervasive control over people’s destinies.
  • In a literal sense, democracy means government by the people.
  • It is difficult to pinpoint a precise time in which politics is learned.
  • Americans are turned off by political parties, politicians, and the specter of big government.
  • A new dimension of women and politics emerged in the 1980s.
  • Power rested in the hands of a few, both inside and outside of government-the power elite.
  • (though not absolute) influence within Congress and units of state and local government.



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